
NAZKA, Peruvian restaurant

The Robert Carr Fund

De Verbeelding. Een samenwerkingsproject van het Mondriaan Fonds en het Filmfonds.

Fronterra. A foundation for sustainable and cultural development.

Frankl & Delaney. Executive development

Storytellers. Film & TV production company.

Impact Academy

Eyeshadow. Evenings hosted by Eye Filmmuseum

Double double magazine

Avant La Lettre. Band

Chop Wood

Blue Crime, Band

NEW DAWN, international film production fund

1 Augustus. Production company for film, culture & photography.

The Workout Clubb

Nuy van Noort Architects

Republic of Europe. Fashion brand

Filmmore. Visual effects & postproduction

Celblok H. Television series


Impact Producties

VvL. Vereniging van Letterkundigen

Tsekh dance company. Moscow