
Website for Merk-X architects

Les Lemons storytellers and documentary filmmakers

Website and branding for Nazka. Modern Peruvian cuisine

Website for Dutch Jewish artist Nettie Bromberg

Sounds Like Publishing. Full service music publisher

Website for Nuy van Noort Architects

De Verbeelding. Project by the Mondriaan Fonds and Filmfonds.

Robert Carr Fund. The world's leading international fund focused on strengthening regional and global civil society networks for inadequately served populations

Storytellers. Film & tv production

NEW DAWN. Opening up the film industry. An initiative of 9 European public (film) funds

Webdesign and illustrations for Wilbert Kok, systeemtherapie & coaching

Website for director Andre Maat

Hollandse Meesters. Film portraits of the top Dutch contemporary artists

Website for IDPC, International Drug Policy Consortium

Website for TRIDÉE, adviseurs in duurzame mobiliteit

Responsive website & adaptive mobile compatible site for photographer Eddo Hartmann

Website for comedian Ronald Snijders

Website for SETTING THE STAGE, a project about North Korea by photographer Eddo Hartmann

Webdesign for the Holland Animation Film Festival (HAFF).

De Balie. Dag van de Journalistiek

Website, logo and identity for Fronterra, a foundation for cultural and sustainable social development.

Website for the Impact Academy.